
Pressure injury prevention

Patients may be at risk or elevated risk from pressure injuries within a very short period of time if re-positioning and pressure relief does not take place. 

Anyone can get a pressure ulcer, but the following things can make them more likely to form:

Pressure injury prevention map 13
Pressure injury prevention map 4
Pressure injury prevention map

Preventing pressure ulcers

It can be difficult to completely prevent pressure ulcers, but there are some things you or your care team can do to reduce the risk. These include:

  • Regularly changing your position – if you’re unable to change position yourself, a relative or carer will need to help you
  • Checking your skin every day for early signs and symptoms of pressure ulcers – this will be done by your care team if you’re in a hospital or care home
  • Having a healthy, balanced diet that contains enough protein and a good variety of vitamins and minerals – if you’re concerned about your diet or caring for someone whose diet may be poor, ask your GP or healthcare team for a referral to a dietitian
  • Stopping smoking – smoking makes you more likely to get pressure ulcers because of the damage caused to blood circulation

If you’re in a hospital or care home, your healthcare team should be aware of the risk of developing pressure ulcers. They should carry out a risk assessment, monitor your skin and use preventative measures, such as regular repositioning.

 If you need help or advice, feel free to contact us using the form below or use the alternative methods of contact shown.

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