
Cura Porta Select – Adjustable Neuro Chair

  • User weight 20st & 25st
  • True Tilt-In-Space
  • Adjustable seat depth
  • Adjustable seat height
  • Adjustable arm height
  • Adjustable seat width
  • Pressure Relief
  • Paediatric option


The Cura Porta Neuro Chair is a completely adjustable neuro care chair that provides many options for regularly repositioning a client’s posture to redistribute pressure and support pressure care management. 

This made-to-measure, two-way action tilt-in-space, rise-and-recline portable chair will support most general and early-stage conditions whilst providing the same excellent postural support and pressure relief found in all our neurological chairs-port pressure care management.

We can fully adapt & adjust these chairs in the service user’s home with minimal fuss and disruption if required. In addition, each chair can be quickly and easily customised for different users or an individual as their care needs change over time. 

For standing hoist transfers, you can choose the option of having the single-handed care frame added to the chair, which allows the standing hoist footplate to go under the chair.

Who would benefit from a Porta Select Neuro chair?

The Porta Select is recommended for people who have a medical conditions that require regular positional adjustments and pressure care throughout their day. The Porta Cura is especially designed to be adjustable and offers many enhancements & features with very little effort from the carer. The porta Cura can be adjusted without tools in most cases and can be reconfigured to manage progressive conditions that change over time. 

The Porta Select chair is recommended for users who suffer from:

  • Parkinsons
  • Alzheimers
  • PSP
  • MS
  • Parapegia
  • Motor Neuron disease
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spinal scoliosis
  • Recovering from stroke, 
  • The frail and elderly
  • Neurological debilitating conditions

Adjustable seat width

Seat width can be adjusted from 16″ to 22″


Adjustable seat height

Seat height can be adjusted from 19″ to 22″


Adjustable seat depth

Seat depth can be adjusted from 16″ to 22″


Adjustable arm height

Arm height can be adjusted from 7″ to 10″

The Cura Porta Select has a choice of backrests

Cura Porta select neuro chair waterfall backrest optionWaterfall backrests are composed of a three-tier arrangement of cushions. Each cushion goes across the backrest horizontally and provides support to different parts of the back.

The cushions are also very soft so that you can well and truly sink into them. Not only is this very comfortable, but it’s also a great way to provide bespoke support to all areas of your spine.

Waterfall backrests are one of the most popular options we provide because of how versatile they are. Padding can be added or taken out of the cushions to provide customised comfort and support to suit you.

This backrest is particularly good for people with scoliosis and osteoporosis because it can easily be changed to provide support in the right areas.

Cura Porta select neuro chair lateral support backrest optionThoracic backrests offer more support up and down the sides of your back, which is great for people with trunk instability.

The lateral cushions stretch further up the backrest, from the hips right up to shoulder height. There’s then a horizontal cushion for the neck and head. As you can see here, the extended lateral supports will help to keep you upright and central in the seat itself.

The lateral cushions sit on either side of a traditional backrest cushion. The wings can be fitted with zips so that you can change the amount of stuffing depending on your comfort and needs.

Lateral backrests are usually better suited to people with more complex postural needs like scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. This backrest will help to maintain a healthy midline position from the hips upwards, for good posture. A key hole cut-out neck cushion can also be fitted allowing the head to sink further into the cushion if required

Cura Porta select neuro chair butterfly backrest optionButterfly backrests are similar to thoracic support backrests and offer support up and down the sides of your back, which is great for people with trunk and head/neck instability.

The lateral cushions stretch all the way up the backrest, from the hips right up to and past neck height. As you can see here, the extended lateral supports will help to keep you upright and central in the seat itself while also keeping the head and neck more central and in line with the spine. The backrest is designed to allow the occupant to sink deeper into the cushion than a thoracic support backrest and allow the occupant to “sink” into the backrest.

The lateral cushions sit on either side of a the backrest cushion. The wings can be fitted with zips so that you can change the amount of stuffing depending on your comfort and needs.

Butterfly backrests are usually better suited to people with more complex postural needs like scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis, who also need lateral guidance to keep their neck & head more central in the chair. This backrest will help to maintain a healthy midline position from the hips upwards, which is key for good posture.

Multiple lift functions


Flat lift:

The Cura Porta Select can be raised so that the seat remains flat, great for carers who need to attend the occupant as it means they do not have to bend over the client – reducing back strain.


Medium lift:

The Cura Porta Select can be raised with a reduced (medium) forward angle, which is useful if the occupant only needs a gentle lifting action to get into or out of the chair. 


Standard lift:

The Cura Porta Select can be raised with a full forward angle, to make exiting or entering the chair easy. 

More available options:

  • Removable footplate
  • locking castors
  • Lap tray option
  • Bluetooth option

If you need help or advice, we are happy to help: Contact us today.

Removable Pressure Relief options

The Cura Select Porta can have additional pressure relief added to the chair. Below are some of the upgrade options available.


Viscoflex cushion

Memory form, Grade 2-3

Viscoflex® material is able to memorise shape; it reduces pressure and increases blood circulation by maximising the body area in contact with the cushion. For those at high to very high risk of pressure sores.


Duoform cushion

Gel & Memory form, Grade 2-3

For patients who spend a long time sitting down, the use of a pressure relieving cushion may be necessary to prevent the development of pressure sores. The Duoform Gel Pressure Relief Cushion is constructed of gel and high resistance foam to provide excellent pressure relief. This is a versatile and capable pressure sore cushion and can be used when a patient is at an increased or high risk of developing pressure sores.


Roho air cell cushion

Air, Grade 3-4

The Mosaic cushion is especially suited for users who require a cushion for basic level skin protection, support and comfort. Using Air Floatation technology, the MOSAIC cushion is not only comfortable, but the use of interconnected air cells to distribute forces evenly across the cushion allows it to be used effectively for low risk skin protection.


Carlilex Carichair air cushion

Battery Powered Alternation Air, Grade 3-4

The smaller Semi-automatic mobile cushion system with battery backup – defying the constraint of time and place for uninterrupted, around-the-clock care. Whenever, wherever.

cura-porta-select-carlilex-Carichair Overlay-cushion-option

Carichair Air Cell Overlay

Air & Memory form, Grade 3-4

Semi-automatic mobile alternating overlay system with battery backup for uninterrupted,
around-the-clock care. Whenever, wherever. 
Giving you the care you need, whenever, wherever. The Carilex CariChair is the advanced mobile alternating overlay system that offers uninterrupted, active therapy for patients on-the-go. With CariChair, the patients no longer need to be confined to the bed for pressure ulcer treatment. 


Relevium cushion

Memory form, Grade 2-3

The Relevium (latin for Relief) is a revolutionary memory foam, seat cushion that uses honeycomb contour technology. This allows the cells within the seat, to act independently, helping to reduce friction and prevent pressure points individually, still supporting weight distribution to the sacral area.

Available colours & fabrics

We can bring the actual material swatches with us when we carry out a seating assessment for you.

VP colour options

VP is short for vapour permeable. Having the seating surface finished in a VP material has many advantages as this type of fabric is waterproof and at the same time breathable. As it allows vapour to travel right through the cover at a controlled rate it reduces risk of internal infection entrapment and optimises core micro-climate

Cura Porta Chair's VP Layer

VP fabrics are also 4 way stretch

Our VP material has the benefit of being able to stretch is 4 directions (4 way stretch) which means it is flexible, has low friction, so avoids skin abrasions and is kind & gentle to the skin. 

We are able to provide the outer surfaces of your chair in any of the materials shown above plus a layer of VP material on the contact areas of the chair, i.e. seat base and backrest. Or the complete chair can have VP material.

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