Lifting very heavy patients requires special techniques and specially designed lift equipment. Liko has developed the Ultra product series to help lift bariatric patients in a safe and comfortable manner. The Liko Ultra LiftPants also give very heavy patients the chance to practice standing and gait training without risk of falling. They also reduce the risk of injuries to caregivers.

The Liko Ultra Lift Pants aid in safe standing and gait training for patients with poor balance and poor leg function. They allow the patient to move while relieving them of a greater or lesser degree of body weight. Equipped with two hip straps on either side for more even weight distribution. There are two different sizes to choose from. With Liko LiftPants the patient can gait train under safe and secure conditions. The security gives the patient the courage to dare to do just that little bit more.
Liko Ultra LiftPants features
LiftPants are available in sizes from XXL to XXXL.
LiftPants provide freedom of movement, while relieving some or all of the burden of body weight.
They support safely, allowing the patient to move on his/her own without the risk of falling.
During gait practice, the lift is ready to take all the weight. Thus the patient and caregiver can devote all their attention to training without having to worry about the consequences of a wrong step. They support safely, allowing the patient to move on his/her own without the risk of falling.
LiftPants can be used with an overhead lift or with a mobile lift with sufficient lifting height & weight capacity. The advantage of an overhead lift is that the patient can move freely within the lifting area of the lift which, in the case of a traverse-type overhead lift, can mean practically the entire room.
Download or view the Liko Ultra LiftPants user manual using the link below: